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Cleaning and Sanitization are Essential Pillars of Pest Management.

Sanitization is a protection strategy to safe your place against pest infestation and other threats. Whenever you want to do a pest control to achieve some goals like prevention, suppression and eradication of pest etc.

Sanitization is a main Component in Pest Management

One of the fundamentals of a successful pest control companies to ensure the hygienic conditions throughout the facility. A properly sanitized facility will create relationship between customers and clients. To achieve this must have a effective pest management program in place like proper clean up, removal of garbage on frequent interval, sanitization services and proper maintenance.

Pest Can carriers of Diseases

Some pest infestations to commercial establishment to risk and dangers by spreading the virus and bacteria’s thorough out the facility. Employees and customers chance to exposure to different diseases and health issues

  • German and American Cockroaches are a leading contributor of Allergies and Asthma
  • Mosquitoes and Rodents are main carriers of Virus and spreading it fast.
  • Bird flue virus can occur in humans with low risk level.

This is only a sample list of potential health issues from unsanitary conditions and with the result of pests. This Prevention criteria should be performed on regular interval to maintain effective pest Management.

Cleaning & Pest Management

Rodents’ infestation can cause damage to premises, cutting the cables and electrical wires and Files. Insects can get into computer hardware by increasing the bijection Work place is not properly cleaned and maintained it can be a playground for pests.

Bugs and mice can attract birds and snake also attracted due to small rodents. It is very important to break the cycle before it is coming by keeping effective pest control with the help of proper cleaning schedule with regal intervals.

ALPHA ARABIAN provides professional Pest Control and Cleaning services with the help of education of people to maintain the houses and workplace with proper hygiene and sanitization. Maintaining proper cleaning schedules and proper waste disposal schedules result in productive Pest Management.

Tips to Prevent Pest

  • Seal the point of entry in the premises like cracks, crevice’s, holes, gaps between windows and doors, Electrical wires and pipes.
  • Avoid the spillage of water near toilets, wash rooms, kitchen surrounding and other areas to avoid the attraction of birds and other animals .
  • All water leakages required to repair immediately. This include condensation dripping from cold water lines and can be corrected with foam insulated water line covers.
  • Begin your prevention programme by removing the essential need of Pest and rodents like food, water and shelter.
  • Focus on cleaning specially lunch rooms, pantry, kitchen, garbage rooms to avoid infestations.

The Connection Between Cleaning & Pest Control

All areas of workplace and residential places including outdoor spaces need to be well maintained and ensure that do not attract any Pest. Water attracts mosquitoes and flies. Dusty items and carton items that is not using is an essential place for mice’s and rodents. Gardens with long grasses are suitable place for rodents and snakes. Messy kitchen are the ideal breeding ground for cockroaches and flies. Due to the shortage of life cycle insects have an active existence and quickly moving from one place to another. When cockroaches or flies come in contact with food and bringing unwanted germs which can result in illness.

Sanitization and Cleaning playing an effective role in Professional pest Management. Call Alpha Arabian for getting Effective Pest Control and Hygienic Solutions

Protect your family with the help of honeybee control and by beehive removal

Honey Bees

They are pollinators and making honey for feeding their younger ones in winter season. Their colony can survive for many years. Honey bee colony size gets too large for the available space and the queen begin to wane. New queens are produced and old queen leaves with large number of workers to make new colony. The common honey bees colony swarms only once in 12 months and some of them produce two swarms each time.


Honey bees are not aggressive and not searching to attack anyone.They are defensive and ready to attack when they feel that their colony is facing a threaten.

Bee Hive

Swarms are moving to a tree branch at first time. These swarms are staying there about 48 hours until the permanent quarters are located to move on.Permament Quarters consists of bee hive, hollow tree,attic,hollow wall,windows,balcony whether they are getting shelter from weather.


Queen is laying one egg in the hive and she mates only once. She can lay as 1500 to 2000 eggs per day and they living as long as five years. The queen producing pheromones which is controlling the production of new queens and developing different workers. The young workers caring the young and building the comb, hive ventilation and guard the entrance.


Bee workers have stingers with poison and associated tissues are torn from the bee body.If the stinger is not removed immediately muscle contractions will drive the stinger deeper and deeper in to skin. This stinger giving a pheromone which attract other honey bees to giving an alarm to attack immediately. So immediate stinger is honeybee is highly recommended.

The normal reaction to bee stings is local pain for a few minutes followed by swelling at the sting site. People have allergic to insects sting will have a more severe reaction.

Honeybee Control

A specialist should handle the honey bee treatment because honey bee colonies are large. Only professional person can safely remove bee nest because bees are more and aggressive in nature. Pest Control technician can remove it with professional equipment by effectively and safely.

Insecticidal Treatment

The nest sometimes located on the wall. Insecticides can be applied on the nest by using the high pressure pump. Very effective insecticides are available in the market to remove them effectively with help of trained technicians. Best time to eliminate them is afternoon time when they are at home. Nest can be removed safely after eliminating the bees.

Beehive Removal

If the nest is left after the treatment could melt and can be infested with larva and bacteria. If there is lot of honey it can be penetrate through the walls. After the treatment with elimination of bees professional pest control technicians can easily remove the bee hive to safe place or to garbage. Always use Alpha Arabian in Dubai for removing the bee hive in your places.

A Short explanation to Fumigation

Fumigation is a method using by pest control companies in Dubai to kill the crawling and flying insects in a space inside the container or ware house or vessel. Fumigation carried out for cargo items for shipment is called ship hold fumigation or cargo fumigation which is protecting the items from damage and preventing the spread of pest from one place to another through the shipment.

Why Fumigation is more important?

  • Giving Long term Pest Management
  • Improving customer perception
  • Reducing the waste

Fumigation is protecting the public health by giving long term pest management solution. Pest moving from one country to another became a treat to ecological balance and making it imperative to prevent the spreading of insects. It also helps to prevent the movement of disease causing insects without affecting the public health.

In effective fumigation can damage the reputation of the producer and cause them to lose the buyers. So professional fumigation process is essential to ensure the customer safety, public safety, product quality and getting a reputation to company in the market.

Pest can damage the food quality during the shipping and they making big lose to producer. A streamlined and professional fumigation Company will make a massive change in the economy and in quality of items and public health.

Advantages of Fumigation

1.Can reach to hidden areas

Fumigation can be reach and penetrate to all the hidden areas rather than visible part of a property by spray treatments. Spray treatment have limitation to reach the hidden and hiding places.

2 It is an efficient method and Fast method

It is making benefits to business owners as it is efficient and quick and it is considering as most effective method of killing the termites. Due to this reason pest fumigation Dubai is increasing day by day

3.Saving the Time and Resources

You will be saving the money through fumigation even if the cost is more in the beginning. It will help you to save the money in long term and no need to spend further with your infestation.

Termite infestation will be permanently going by fumigation if the procedure and techniques are applying correctly and effectively by using repeatedly Alpha Arabian Pest Control offers the best pest control in Dubai. Our fumigation services are carried out by experienced and licensed professionals with good knowledge. To schedule an inspection, please contact us right away.


Why does Public Health and Safety focus on annual pest management contracts in Dubai?

Dubai takes pride in its modern infrastructure, bustling economy, and unwavering dedication to public health and safety. To ensure the well-being of residents and visitors, the Dubai Municipality has enforced strict pest management standards in the region. An integral part of these regulations is the mandate for annual pest contracts. This blog discusses the importance of annual pest contracts in Dubai and their contribution to public health and safety.

The Scope of Annual Pest Management Contracts

Annual pest management contracts in Dubai encompass range of services for controlling pests that threaten public health and safety. These contracts cover the following aspects:

• Control of Disease-Carrying Pests: Conducting annual contracts to address the presence of disease-carrying insects, such as rodents, mosquitoes, flies, and other insects that transmit illnesses, plays a critical role in preventing the spread of diseases.

• Management of Poisonous Pests: Dubai’s unique environment is home to various poisonous pests, including snakes, scorpions, spiders, wasps, bees, and troublesome birds. Pest control contracts ensure these potentially hazardous creatures managed effectively to minimize risks to human safety.

Types of Contracts

To cater to the diverse needs of different establishments in Dubai, pest management contracts are categorized into two main types:

1. Contracts with Food Establishments: Food establishments, such as hotels, cafés, restaurants, supermarkets, bakeries, and food production facilities, must establish agreements for controlling pests. These agreements generally involve scheduled inspections monthly to uphold food safety and cleanliness standards.

2. Contracts with Non-Food Establishments: Non-food establishments, like labor camps, laundry facilities, salons, nurseries, schools, day-care centers, construction sites, and warehouses, are also required to establish agreements for pest control. These agreements generally include regular inspection each month to handle potential pest issues.

Documentation and Reporting

Maintaining proper records and documentation is a crucial aspect of annual pest management contracts in Dubai. Companies providing pest management services are required to keep the following documents:

1. Contract Copy: A copy of the signed agreement between the service provider and the establishment.

2. Trap Location Maps: Detailed maps illustrating the trap locations used for pest control.

3. Supervisor Contact Details: Contact information for the supervisor responsible for pest control.

4. Technical Service Reports: Comprehensive reports that detail the services rendered, including the pest control measures implemented during each visit.

5. Pesticide Details: Documentation about the pesticides used with Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and registration certificates proving their safe and responsible use.

Advantages of Choosing Alpha Arabian for Pest Management Contracts

When it comes to selecting a pest management partner in Dubai, Alpha Arabian stands out for several reasons:

1. Expertise and Quality Care: Alpha Arabian’s professionals deliver expert pest control services, prioritizing high-quality, tailored care for each customer.

2. Safety and Inspection: Alpha Arabian provides pest management services and also offers valuable safety advice and inspections. They provide free recommendations to maintain pest-free premises.

3. Immediate Action: Alpha Arabian’s dedicated team ensures prompt responses to any pest-related issues, safeguarding the health and well-being of occupants.

           Annual pest management contracts in Dubai are the essential components of the city’s infrastructure, driven by a commitment to public health and safety. These contracts act as a protective shield against disease-carrying and poisonous pests while upholding hygiene standards in both food and non-food establishments. Choosing a reputable provider like Alpha Arabian guarantees professionalism, expertise, and an unwavering commitment to safety, collectively contributing to a healthier and safer Dubai for all residents and visitors.


The Growing Demand of Cockroaches Gel Application in Dubai


Cockroaches gel application demand is increasing in UAE especially in Dubai residential areas. Cockroaches killer gel bait kill the nymph, adult, and eggs of the cockroaches. Gel bait is more effective for killing small and large cockroaches. Roach killer bait will also attract the cockroaches from hidden places. More people are using this gel application or gel baiting due to following reason.

Easily can apply and no smell at the time of application.
People can stay back at their home even after the application.
It is avoiding the removal of items from your kitchen or pantry in offices Cockroaches gel like Advion gel and Maxforce gel are available at best rate in Dubai

Where can we use it mainly?

Cockroaches gel bait can be used in single and multifamily residential apartments, Villa in Dubai, partition rooms, labor camp areas like sonapur, Al Quoz and Jabel Ali, Schools, Ware houses, Restaurants, Cafeterias, food storage areas,yachts,vessels,boats,cars,RTA buses,Dubai Metro, supermarkets and Hypermarkets,nursery,babysitting areas, office pantry, bed space areas,café,salon and Grocery.

Importance of Gel bait or Cockroaches Gel

It can be used for indoor and outdoor areas.
Gel bait can get rid of wide range varieties of Cockroaches. Easy to use and readily available in Dubai.
Gel bait is nontoxic and safe for children.

Effectiveness of Roaches Gel.

All areas like, cup boards in pantry and kitchen, hidden places like underneath of cooking range, fridge, oven and other utensil areas need to be clean and remove all settled food particle before the application of cockroaches’ killer insecticides. Apartments in Dubai are mostly congested and occupied with more people and items. Regular cleaning and proper waste disposal is the main important hygiene program for controlling this cockroaches by biological methods.

Selection of cockroaches killer Gel

Gel Baits are coming with slow action and with best results. Commonly used gel in UAE is Advion Gel. Advion Cockroaches gel is easily available in the markets with cheap rate. Best Pest control Company in Dubai like Alpha Arabian can provide different types of Gel like Advion Gel, Maxforce Gel, Maxfocre magnum etc. with professional application methods.

How to control spider in UAE Gardens

Spiders are danger to human being. Alpha Arabian Pest control have wide range of treatment to remove spiders from your villa by using insecticidal spray, fogging,fumes and powders. Spider killer powders are more effective.


These are symptoms of spider biting.

  • Rashes
  • Pain
  • Muscle cramping
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • High blood pressure
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Sweating
  • Blistering


Spray Treatment

Insecticide sprays are the most common method for controlling spiders. Most of the spider control supplier like Alpha Arabian using Permethrin, Tetramethrin or Cypermethrin for the fast and effective control of spider infestations. For good result always use sudden knock down insecticides.


Powder Treatment

Powder treatment is more effective for spiders.. Some powders are damaging exoskeleton of spiders and it can be used kitchen areas, store areas and ware house areas.




Fogging chemical contain body spectrum insecticides which will insects in its path way.This will penetrate to all the hidden places and hiding places to kill them completely


How to control the fruit flies in your kitchen?

If you are facing issues with fruit flies, use insects kill spray to kill the adult flies, But the eggs can hatch and make the problem again. So, follow the steps: –

  • Check the place where fruit flies can breed: – Check the areas like rotting food on your drawers and cabinets, inside and under your fridge, underneath other kitchen appliances etc. Fruit flies can lay their eggs on cleaning rags and mops and even empty
  • Clean your manholes and garbage disposal: – pour boiling water into manholes or tape a clear plastic food storage bag over the top and leave it Adult flies will leave the drain and you can see them in the bag
  • Trapping: -Use Trap wherever you have seen fruit flies like sticky trap, Flies ribbon, flies bottle
  • Use Bug Spray: – Use pesticidal spray Treatment and Misting treatment to kill all the fruit flies and clean all you Keep away your children and pet animals from treated areas at least for a day

Prevention of Fruit Flies

  • Keep the fruits items in your fridge until you
  • Wash all the items before keeping in the
  • Empty your kitchen trash every day & wash the trash tray
  • Clean the spillages like juices or alcohol
  • Use a screen on your door and windows to avoid flies coming inside from
  • Turn off the light over your door and windows can attract the
  • Seal all containers in your homes otherwise fruit flies can squeeze under them and lay

Suggestions for Preventing different types of Rats in UAE

There are 3 different types of rats in UAE, especially in Dubai. Mice or House mouse, Roof Rat and Norway Rats are the different rats found in UAE.

Norway Rats is larger in size and commonly found in UAE. Their tails are shorter than their body length and their ears and eyes are smaller than their body. Norway rats are larger than other rat species. They are commonly found in burrow in garden as well as under building foundations, drainages     and manholes.

Roof rats, medium in size and are super climbers. Normally found in UAE Warehouse ceiling, Villa ceiling in Dubai. So, it is called Roof Rats. They enter in to building through trees close to windows.

Mice or House mouse are smaller in Size and commonly found in Houses in UAE.

Identification of Rat infestations

  • Scratching Sound: sound of scampering in the wall or ceiling making sure that rats are around your houses.
  • Dropping: sign of dropping in hidden places like cupboards, cabinets, other surrounding areas confirming the presence of rats.
  • Damages: Rats teeth damage the electrical wires, card boards, papers and food items .
  • Marking: rat making fingerprints on the wall or floor by using his dirty finger.

How to Prevent the infestation

1. Main Proper Food storage

Even if you store the food items properly in cup boards and fridge, it is still attracted to the smell of food in kitchen. It is attacking through open trash, cans, rotting fruits in the garden and pet food items.

2. Check the Villa outside areas.

Check the opening of garbage doors, gaps around the windows, drainages, foundation holes etc.

. Close the entry points and use the trap to catch them if you spot them inside. Use professional Rat control companies in Dubai like Alpha Arabian, the best pest control in Dubai where you will get best pest control service with cheap price.

3. Avoid hidden places.

Rats are always hunting for shelter like waste and garbage near to your property. Keep these types of items away from your home and keep them above the ground in a rack and away from the walls.

Rats are spreading diseases and damage the property. The best way to avoid such infestation is to check always for rodent activity and call commercial pest control in Dubai like Alpha Arabian and to get the best solution cheap price

Food Business and Service Providers should Register

Food watch platform is developed by Municipality in Dubai to Facilitate the data exchange between government authorities, Food and Beverages manufacturing units like factories, Restaurant,Cafeterias, supermarkets etc and service providers like Pest Control, Grease Trap Cleaning and other consumers by digital monitoring technique with customized applications.

What is the use of Food Watch

Food watch is working with smart food safety management system. This platform is providing full traceability of food, ingredients and nutrition’s information. This platform will provide a unique experience to all smart contracts, customized applications and services providers based on their requirements.

How Pest Control Companies and food business can register with food watch

You can send a mail to [email protected] by mentioning the requirements. You will get a reply with a link to register your company with following documents like Company Trade License,food safety documents, other address details.Later you will receive a link to verify your email along with confirmation of registration with payment link. Once you will pay by clicking the link you will complete the registration process

What is the Importance of Food Watch

Food safety checking is very important for a good safety management system.lot of follow up visit and paper works need to carried out to ensure this to work it perfectly. This digital inspection tool on food watch will connect to ensure that follow ups visit and records at the same time.It will help to food safety within in your premises and also to manage your service providers like suppliers, maintenance ,delivery team contractors, third party vendors and national pest control companies in Dubai.

How to Implement the Food watch in your organizations

A person in your organization has to ensure that your premises are hygienic and clean before yu start the operations.This will help to check the entire areas,floor walls,ceilings,equipments and other asurrounding.If you found any pest issues during your checking, contact your pest control contractor to do the necessary follow up actions. Also need to check all the staff in your organization having personal hygiene and make sure that they are maintaining it.

How to get ISPM 15 Certification in Dubai

Process of ISPM Certification in UAE

For getting the ISPM 15 certification, wood must be heat treated and fumigated under the standards, it should heat treated to 56 degree Celsius to the core for half an hour or  It can be fumigated with methyl bromide.

Definition of ISPM

International standard for phytosanitary measures (ISPM) making the application of phytosanitary measures in international trade and developed through a drafting and consultation process by parties of international plant protection Convention (IPPC). Most of the world Trade organisation(WTO) members are encouraged to establish national measures consistent with the ISPM made by IPPC

ISPM 15 is the international standard for regulating the movement of timber packaging and dunnage through international trade and aiming to protect the infestation of timber pest.

How long is ISPM 15 accreditation valid and treatment effective for?

ISMP 15 marked solid timber packaging make sure that no alteration made to the packaging. ISPM 15 treatments only killing the present at the time of treatment and it is not providing permanent protection against pest

What kind of wood packaging materials are used for ISPM15 standards?

Both softwood and hardwoods materials affected by the regulation including dunnage,pellets,crates,reels,drums and load boards.The regulation is not able to apply to wood packing material made from wood that is processed with free of pest such as plywood, oriented strand board,particle board which has been created using glue,pressure,heat etc.

International standard for phytosanitary maintained by the international Plant protection convention that need to treat the wood material with thickness more than 6mm when used to ship the products between the countries. Its main aim to prevent the international transmission of diseases and pest that affect plant or ecosystem. Wood which is originating from living or dead trees are infested with pests.Wood packing material made up of raw wood not undergoing process or treatment to kill the pests.

RESY European union and IPPC and many other organizations and countries related to wood and wooden products crossing the border. These regulations include wooden shipping components and pallets.

AE – indicates a two letter country code.
054 – indicates treatment provider’s license number. The number of letters or digits may vary according to each country.
HT – indicates that Heat Treatment has taken place.

Most of the Company using Heat Treatment for Wood Packaging material(WPM).Why?

Only Two reason for Heat Treatments

1.Methyle bromide is used out due to its toxicity and making issues to ozone level depletion

2.The Chemical creates potential legal liability for shipper and us.The manufacture and the employees and all human who come in contact during shipping loading and uploading process.Heat treatment is comparatively effective and safe and have no legal implications. Shipment will not get any delay in port due to ISPM concerns.

ISPM applicable for both softwood and hardwood which is used for raw material,wood packing material.This is not applicable for manufactured wood products such as particle board,chipboard,oriented strand wood,presswood plywood,veneer,high density fibre boards and medium density fiber or the products created using the combination of heat and pressure

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